Friday 15 April 2011

Mad, bad and dangerous to know

George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron

I have some thoughts of purchasing D'Egville's pupils; they would fill a glorious harem.


  1. what a rake, i can imagine James being the same. Did you decipher the baptism? Marilyn

  2. I think James lived the life of a Regency 'sportsman'. He not only enjoyed watching pugalists but I suspect he fancied himself as a boxer although he's coming over as a brawler.

    Yes, I think it's one of the baptisms recorded in the Huguenot Society papers. Do you mind if I snip out a piece and post it on here?

  3. Dont mind at all, looking again i think it says"Marie sa femme"but still cant make out the rest. Marilyn
